Profile PicturePeter Mick

100+ Twitter / 𝕏 Tips Guide Book [Available Now]

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100+ Twitter / 𝕏 Tips Guide Book [Available Now]

Want to grow your audience and land customers?

I've added almost 12K followers in about a year and landed a 6-figure $ B2B customer from Twitter / 𝕏.

That's 1000 followers per month πŸ”₯

This easy-to-follow guide book will be packed with actionable steps will show you how you can do it too!

I've spent countless hours of trying out things to figure what works and what doesn't.

I'd like to share with you all the tips that worked for me - so you don't have to spend hours and hours figuring stuff out.

I've created my Twitter / 𝕏 account back in 2008, but never used it until about a year ago...

One of the best decisions in my life (after marrying my wife, of course) was to become active on Twitter / 𝕏.

I've discovered and connected with lots of great individuals and communities that helped me:

  • Stay motivated and keep going
  • Receive early feedback on my products so I could improve
  • Be able to share my experience with others

But also... and this is important and life changing:

By being active on Twitter / X I've landed a 6-figure $ B2B customer for one of my startups

I'm a living proof that this can be done! And you never know who's reading your tweets.

Most people read on Twitter / 𝕏 and tend to not interact with content, but your potential, life-changing B2B customer might be out there waiting to read your tweet.

By following all the tips in this book, you will:

  • Make your profile look attractive
  • Increase your visibility
  • Build habits into your routine
  • Discover interesting individuals worth following
  • Grow your audience on Twitter / 𝕏
  • Build meaningful relationships with your peers
  • Discover communities relevant to your business
  • Might land your multiple-figure $ customer

The guide will be made in a format that's easy to follow and take action.

So as you read it, please try to follow each step/tip or at least have a good think about each of the actions listed in the book - in this way you'll start making progress as you go - as we all know from experience, if you put something off, likely you might not get back to it.


A curated "Who to follow on Twitter / 𝕏" list

I'm curating a list of 150+ active Twitter / 𝕏 accounts that are 100% worth following and engaging with.

By engaging with their tweets and audience, your growth will pick up, especially in the early days when you're under 100 followers.


Did you know there there are more than 368 million active Twitter / 𝕏 users and more than 500 million tweets sent every single day.

This means that no matter what niche you’re in, you will find conversations and opportunities just for you and your niche.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me

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A guide containing at least 100 actionable Twitter / X tips that led me to a 6-figure $ B2B customer and adding 1K followers per month.

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23 pages
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